About Restaurant Las Cazuelas: The originals from El Colorado in Puerto Vallarta.
Restaurant Las Cazuelas opened its doors on October 24, 2010 in a small space, which represents a quarter of the current property. The owners decided to open the restaurant due to the large number of travelers arriving in the Colorado in search of a place to eat. Thanks to the word of mouth recommendation of our beloved clients, we have managed to position ourselves in the taste of the people of Puerto Vallarta, being one of the most representative places in the city and where you can taste an authentic flavor of Ranch.
What distinguishes Las Cazuelas from other restaurants is undoubtedly their food. We use ingredients that are 100% organic, grown by us or by the neighbors of the region, which guarantees its fresh and intense flavor. Some vegetables we harvest are beans, corn, tomatoes, tomatoes and chili, which enjoy most of our dishes. We also milk our cows to obtain dairy products such as cheese, panela and jocoque, which are also enjoyed in rice pudding, smoothies or clotted cream biscuits.
We are proud of our staff is from El Colorado ranch and nearby towns with what contributes to the economy of the region.